City of Salmon Arm
Development and Planning Services Committee

Council Chambers of City Hall
500 – 2 Avenue NE, Salmon Arm, BC

We acknowledge that we are gathering here on the traditional territory of the Secwepemc people, with whom we share these lands and where we live and work together.

  • Motion for Consideration

    THAT: the Agenda be adopted as presented.

  • Motion for Consideration

    THAT: the Development and Planning Services Committee Meeting Minutes of July 2, 2024 be approved.

Legal: Lot 1, Section 15, Township 20, Range 10, W6M, KDYD, Plan EPP10328 Except Plans EPP17085 and EPP18478
Civic:  2991 - 9 Avenue SW
Owner:  Salmon Arm Shopping Centres Ltd. And Calloway REIT (Salmon Arm) Inc.
Agent:  SmartCentres Management Services Inc. (Savard, B.)

  • Motion for Consideration

    THAT: the Development and Planning Services Committee recommends to Council that a bylaw be prepared for Council’s consideration, adoption of which would amend Zoning Bylaw No. 2303 Section 46 – CD-8 – Comprehensive Development Zone-8 – as follows:

    1)  Section 46.3 - add “multiple family dwellings” as a permitted use;

    2)  Section 46.4 - increase maximum principle building height from 12 m to 19 m for a residential multiple family dwelling building;

    3)  Section 46.6 - reduce minimum parcel size/site area from 5 to 0.5 acres;

    4)  Section 46.8 - reduce the minimum setbacks as per the attached site plan:

    • Building P from 6 m to 1.3 m,
    • Building N from 6 m to 2.6 m,
    • Residential Building A from 6 m to 3.2 m, and
    • Residential Building B from 6 m to 0.7 m;

    5)  Parking – reduce the residential multiple family parking requirement from 1.25 to 0.82 stalls per dwelling.

    AND THAT: Final Reading of the Bylaw be subject to:

    1. Submission of an updated Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer with acknowledgement that the owner/applicant is responsible for any and all off-site improvements recommended by the TIA and the registration of a Land Title Act, Section 219 covenant to address the findings and recommendations of the TIA report; and

    2. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure approval.


Legal: Strata Lots 1 to 38, Section 13, Township 20, Range 10, W6M, Plan K171
Civic: Units 503 – 599 24 Street NE and 2207 - 2299 5 Avenue NE (Orchard Grove Gardens)
Applicant: City of Salmon Arm

  • Motion for Consideration

    THAT: the Development and Planning Services Committee recommends to Council that a bylaw be prepared for Council’s consideration that would have the effect of rezoning the subject property legally described as Strata Lots 1 to 38, Section 13, Township 20, Range 10, W6M, Plan K171 from R-10 (Residential Zone) to R-14 (Compact/Strata Multi-Family Residential Zone).